Roundtable Discussion: Online Photo Submission Processes

online photo submission processes

Looking to increase or refine photo upload processes and student participation rates? Are you needing to make adjustments for this fall? Learn what processes are working best for several schools who have already implemented online photo submission. Discover how these schools have increased uptake rates and implemented incentives for students to complete the process before arriving on campus.

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Preparing for Campus Re-opening?

How can our card offices maintain customer service standards while still adhering to preventative COVID practices for social distancing, masks, plastic barriers and continuous cleaning? As many of our institutions move towards re-opening our campuses, join us for an open discussion as we strategize together for solutions to various move-in day scenarios.

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Stored Value Programs

stored value programs

Considering other options for students and parents, such as personal credit cards, Apple Pay, Venmo, Zelle, and others as forms of payment, and as smaller merchants increase acceptance of these payment methods, is there a diminishing need for university operated and managed stored value accounts?

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Campus Card Operations Post COVID 19

Post COVID-19

What will your operation look like once campus opens again? How will CDC and campus guidelines impact your physical space? Will you need to require masks, gloves or other personal protective equipment? How will you queue customers? How will social distancing be enforced and by whom? Members share plans and ideas for best practices in what will be a “forward normal” in operations.

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