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Implementing TruCredential

This presentation will focus on URI’s journey to implement TruCredential within CBORD’s Odyssey Direct Site. URI’s main Campus ID & Dining Office produces the majority of the IDs however, they were tasked to bring on board Providence’s smaller ID card office by implementing one single customization workflow, allowing the office to now produce and program cards like the main campus’s office. Since URI was the first school to implement this brand new software suite, there have been many learning curves within ALL facets; Cord, TruCredential, Campus ID & Dining Office, URI Dining Services IT, and last minute additions to card printing, Public Safety and Health Services. Watch to learn about the new innovations and productivity that has been implemented with our mergers!

Discussion Questions:

  • Is your ID production software customizable?
  • Does every office on campus need to be on the same page with IDs and badges?
  • Do you want to be able to print IDs from literally anywhere?

Presenters: Rebecca Estey, Coordinator, Campus ID & Dining Office, University of Rhode Island Shaun Kavanagh, Lead information Technologist, University of Rhode Island

Rebecca ‘Becky’ Estey has worked at the University of Rhode Island for 11 years. She has been the Coordinator of Campus ID & Dining Office for the last five years. Shaun Kavanagh is a 2000 graduate from the University of Rhode Island and went on to complete his MBA in 2002, also from URI. He first joined the Dining Services team in 1997. He was the 2018 CBORD Above & Beyond Award Winner.


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