Simple Strategies for Guaranteeing Tech Adoption Among Students

No one wants to go through the time and expense of implementing a new solution that won’t be readily adopted by users. Even so, what bold, new technologies would your campus use if student adoption was assured? Student adoption doesn’t have to be a gamble. Join us to learn how Auburn University, Swarthmore College, and the University of North Carolina achieved early success with adoption of their mobile credential programs.

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Choosing a New Technology

Organizations often choose technologies for shortsighted reasons. There is a better way with three questions to ask and 10 criteria to evaluate. If you are looking to source a new solution now or sometime soon, this session is for you.  Discover how to best maximize value for your institution’s scarce dollars before you “go out to the places you will be from.”

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The Impact of Physical Identity in Today’s Digital Era

We live in a world that continues its rapid growth towards mobile and digital formats for various everyday tasks. This growth has led to the creation of Digital IDs. But with secured features to protect a physical card from being tampered with, giving a cardholder a sense of belonging and enabling authentication by authorities, physical identities will remain impactful in the Identity issuance space for a very long time. 

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A Panel Discussion on Campus Vending

The move by campuses toward cashless solutions and mobile credentials, the increase of specialty vending and the launch of micro markets have brought a new set of opportunities and demands to those overseeing campus vending operations. Watch to hear from colleagues like you as they share how they are addressing the issues they face related to their unique hardware and software challenges as well as how they communicate and maintain relationships with vendors and other campus departments.

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