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High Impact Training: NACCU Style - Mining Campus Card Data to Enhance Student Outcomes

Presented by Chris Corum, CEO of CR80News and Avisian

With predictive analytics, we analyze data from the past to identify patterns that impact the future. Institutions can use past data to identify patterns and behaviors from students that were successful – those that graduated – and compare it to patterns and behaviors from those that were not successful – perhaps those that dropped out after their freshman year. But this part of the process is simply using big data to identify something. When this becomes powerful is when we add the predictive component and apply these identified patterns and behaviors to current students to make educated assumptions about which individuals are on a course to graduate and which are heading toward dropout-ville. Add one more component to predictive analytics – and intervention strategy – and we have a chance to help change behaviors and help at risk students succeed. Pioneering campuses are already using card system data to make a difference in student outcomes. Projects from early adopters will be highlighted.


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