TED Talk: Leadership Needs Introverts - and Extroverts Too!
- Tags: Professional Development, TED Talk
Leadership needs introverts – and extroverts too!
It has been said that only about four percent of leaders identify as introverts. However, thirty to fifty percent of the US population identify as introverts. Winning teams definitely need the energy, enthusiasm and excitement brought to the table by extroverts; however, the calmness and ability to listen that introverts can contribute are invaluable. Are you an introvert trying to find your way in this world? Are you an extrovert who may not understand the introvert on your team? We’ll watch a short TED talk on the subject and then have a conversation about why teams need introverts and how you can contribute to your team, no matter whether you are an introvert or an extrovert.
Jessica Bender, Palm Beach State College
Jessica Bender is a self-proclaimed Introvert and a former NACCU Board of Directors President. She has been at Palm Beach State College since 2007 and currently serves as Manager of Auxiliary Services. She has over 20 years of higher education experience.
Jorrun Liston: Welcome everyone! We are recording this session and will post on naccuTV soon.
Jorrun Liston: Please feel free to unmute and share. Or you can type your comments here if that’s more comfortable.
Jorrun Liston: What do introverts bring to the team?
Jorrun Liston: Or you can type your comments here if that’s more comfortable.
Jorrun Liston: What do extroverts bring to the team?
Jorrun Liston: What can a manager do to bring everyone in?
John Ogle: Seeking out input everyone in the room
Sheryl Puckett: Encouragement and praise for great ideas
Jan Montoya: what about sending meeting agenda’s ahead of time for all team members to review so that when you call on them they are prepared so they are not so uncomfortable.
Jorrun Liston: Realize that people need some down time. I try to build it into our conference schedule, even if just 15 minutes to step away.
Sheryl Puckett: Making sure that everyone knows that their opinion is important.
Audra Forsberg: I love that grocery shopping time!
Jorrun Liston: What can a manager do to keep the extroverts taking over a meeting?
Kim Pfeffer [she|her]: Depends on the situation
Audra Forsberg: I am an introvert
Sheryl Puckett: Agree Kim – depends
Kim Pfeffer [she|her]: I think I can be an extrovert in a small group but an introvert in a large group.
Jorrun Liston: To raise your hand, click on the Reactions button at the bottom of your page. You can turn off/on Raise Hand, Yes and No.
John Ogle: Introverts can develop the skill of asking questions of others, which encourages others to talk while you can focus on listening to them.
Jorrun Liston: What can you as an introvert do to be heard?
Melissa Neidigh: be prepared, I usually spend time gathering thoughts prior to a meeting so I am ready to participate with confidence
Jorrun Liston: Is being an introvert seen as a weakness?
Jorrun Liston: How can we educate others about the importance of opening up the space, recognizing everyone as being a contributor to the team?
John Ogle: Some of that can be done outside of meetings by encouraging individuals that their input matters.
Jorrun Liston: Send out meeting agenda ahead of time. Advocating for others.
Jorrun Liston: Encourage others. Ask them to chair an initiative.
Jorrun Liston: Find a mentor. You can learn from each other.
John Ogle: Great advice, Audra.
Jorrun Liston: Find an extrovert to walk around a reception with, or be in a meeting with to help guide you through.
Jorrun Liston: What are your introvert survival tips?
Sheryl Puckett: When we are in person, as always, reach out to some of us veterans to walk around the exhibit hall with you.
Katleen Saturne: May I recommend reading Susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
Audra Forsberg: Katleen, that’s a great one!
Jorrun Liston: Thank you Katleen!
Audra Forsberg: Introverts unite. We can have a meeting at the conference where we all just relax in silence. 🙂
Amy Slaughter: That would be great Audra
Sheryl Puckett: Thank you, Jessica, great job!
Audra Forsberg: Thank you Jessica!
Deborah Nightingale: thank you Jessica! very insightful and great tips for both the extro & intro
Debbie Deyulia: Thanks Jessica!!
Kim Pfeffer [she|her]: Thank You All – sorry I was in and out.
Jan Montoya: Thanks this was great!
Lauri MacLeod – University of Waterloo: Thank you!
Jessica Bender: Thanks everyone!
Randy Willis: Thank you!
Amy Slaughter: Thanks Jessica and Jorrun. I needed this pep talk.
Katleen Saturne: Thank you all. A very happy holiday
Jorrun Liston: Special thanks to Jessica Bender from Palm Beach State College for sharing these thoughtful insights, and to all of you for participating. Great conversation!
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