Jorrun Liston : Welcome everyone! We are recording this presentation and will post it on naccuTV.

Jen McDonald – Georgian College : How exactly does the process work for activating the Origo credential? Does a student have to request and wait for an activation, or can it be automated to check a list of eligibility to activate as soon as requested if on the list?

Milton Alexander : Are you able to add a picture on the SEOS mobile now? 

Milton Alexander : Is it true that the legacy readers will be phased out because of Signo?

Alexis Miller : Will Google Pay on Android be supported as well?

Austin Johnson : Does this require updated hardware, or could we use our current iClass SE door readers?

Jen McDonald – Georgian College : If you start using the Bluetooth Origo credential, how easy is it to transition to NFC in the future?

Lacey Skalsky : How are other schools dealing with the challenges of getting students to switch to mobile if they use public transportation that do not offer mobile credential?

Milton Alexander : Great question Lacey!

Austin Johnson : How can we connect after the webinar for further questions?

Dawn Thomas : [email protected]

Milton Alexander : Good point! Thank you

Amy Surprenant : Great job Tim! 🙂

Jen McDonald – Georgian College : Great info! Thank you

Michael Hovestol : Thanks Tim!