Logging and Auditing your Card Production Environment
Logging and Auditing your Card Production Environment
Learn about Ohio State’s approach to capturing, logging, and providing useful audit data for card production activity done in InstantID, using features found in the software, along with the customization toolkit.
Josh Bodnar, The Ohio State University
Jorrun Liston : Welcome everyone! We are recording and will post on naccuTV.
Jorrun Liston : Josh will take questions at the end. Feel free to type in the chat every time.
Anthony Steve : Josh, noticed in the listserv where you warned that the custom tools don’t work well with batch printing. Does your logging solution still work when you’re printing batches of cards?
Sergio Gonzalez : As far a placing the User ID and IP# in the workflow. Do we only need to name the composite field the same name as what you call it in the JavaScript file and it will automatically show? No need to connect that composite field to anything?
Jen McDonald – Georgian College : Lots of great info, even for those of us not on Instant ID
Nathan Gray : Thanks Josh. Well Done!
Sergio Gonzalez : Do we need special software to write a .js file?
Sara Featherlin : great job, Josh!
Tracy Leota : Thank you Josh
Jody Pietz : Great information! Thanks Josh
Christina Mosakowski : Thanks, Josh!
Loryetta Council : Thank you for great info!
Sergio Gonzalez : Thank you so much. Great Job!
Amber Denny, Hamilton College : Thank you, Josh!
Crystal Bazarnic : https://www.naccu.org/events/
Darrick Chin : Thanks Josh! I’ll connect with you soon to discuss
Monica Buttimer : Thank you Josh – very helpful information!
Jörrun Liston: Special thanks to Josh Bodnar from The Ohio State University for sharing his processes. Well done!